
Propel Portfolio Performance
Through Enhanced Decision Making

Drive customer engagement with reduced loan decision turn-time. Automate your verification, assessment, underwriting and other process stages to enhance performance, increase speed, ensure compliance and boost efficiency.
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Automated decision engine

Fully Automated Decision Engine

Complex verification procedures require comprehensive approaches to deliver the best experience in lending. Our automated decision engine enables the digitization of verification and evaluation processes, particularly the manual tasks. In contrast to traditional systems that are hard-lined, we offer a solution that requires zero coding to establish complex decision logic.
Build decision workflow
Build the workflow by adding specific modules according to your needs: stop factor rules, scoring calculation and others. Implement a set of complex rules using comparative conditions, excluding or including value conditions.
Include external data
Connect desired data sources so as to nourish the verification process with vital information. Credit bureaus, scoring providers, own databases, everything can be integrated with our Decision Engine.
Implement rule based outputs
Configure the rules that define the output results. Credit limit based on a score range or loan term based on default probability are possible options as well as any other output variable based on a rule.
Calculation scripts
Define the complex formulas required to calculate the necessary output using any factors received in the loan application or external data source. We provide a simple UI to write the plain formulas and complicated scripts.
Scoring models
Build your perfect score model. Set the weights for the rules, define default score value and finally assign the score as decision engine output. Use the score in other decision modules as input factor.
Build stop factors
Set up the rejection rules for the loan applications that are not eligible. Tag them with specific rejection reasons to keep track of non desired categories.
Manage strategy versions
Make changes to your working strategies without changing its initial state. Create different versions, apply them separately, and keep track of the results.
Preliminary strategy testing
Before applying the strategy, test it thoroughly. Analyze the results, make amends and reprocess the decision. Once the strategy works perfectly, activate it for the loan origination process.
Data structure management
Organize your data structure for decision engine, create variables and map input data with them. Operate variables in any possible way: use as input, intermediate or output values.
Batch processing
Speed up the decision by processing loan applications in a bulk. Operate the batches, manage the particular decision processes in a batch. Reprocess the individual decisions, if necessary.
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